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Behind the Screens: Intro

We are so excited to introduce Behind the Screens (BTS).

Our organization thrives on community and relationships, it is because of the generous churches and individuals in our community that we are able to continue to carry out our mission. Because of this, we want to be more diligent in establishing a relationship with our community as individuals and as a whole. We live in a modern day era where sometimes all you know about an organization or a person is what they choose to post for you to see on Instagram or Facebook. For our organization, that can mean: news articles, numbers, updated laws, events going on… and so much more. All of those things are incredibly important and vital to keep our community updated; however, we want you to get to know us Behind the Screens. As an organization on social media, you can lose the human element and personal connection with individuals. We are so excited to share with you some inside looks and stories of the people who make up our organization so you can connect with us on a personal level and not just an organizational level. 

BTS will also highlight some of the different happenings and things going on for Street Hope that don’t always make the cut as a media post.


human trafficking hotlines

National Hotline

Tennessee Hotline

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