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Seeking Jesus

We believe prayer is a powerful tool in fighting Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking.

Prayer is one of the most powerful tools in fighting DMST. As we focus on the restoration of
DMST victims, we know that this can only be accomplished through regular prayer and
seeking His heart with each step. We facilitate prayer gatherings where believers come
together boldly before the throne of the Lord and pray on behalf of the least of these.

Monthly Gatherings

We meet at twice an each month to pray for an end to trafficking. We invite you to join us at our next gathering to pray for the end of trafficking!

Prayer Points

He who keeps you will not slumber…The LORD is your keeper, the LORD is your shade on your right hand.
Psalm 121:3-5
Pray for the victims of Sex trafficking and Sexual Exploitation.
Pray for Community Service Providers.
Pray for Law Enforcement and Lawmakers.
Pray for Traffickers, Predators, and Buyers.


human trafficking hotlines

National Hotline

Tennessee Hotline

BeFree Textline
Text HELP to BEFREE (233733)

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