Increasing Knowledge
The first step to eradicating slavery is letting people know it exists today. There are no limits to where this darkness can and will travel. We engage people through events, presentations, and educational programs.
The problem is real.
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking, also known as Child Sex Trafficking, is the commercial sexual exploitation of children in the United States through prostitution, pornography, or sexual performance in exchange for something of value, like money, food, shelter, or drugs.

How does trafficking happen?
Vulnerable youth are targeted by traffickers and then exploited (sold for sex). Instability creates opportunities for traffickers and predators to reach out and bond with vulnerable children. These predators could be strangers, friends, teachers, or even family members who lure children with false promises of protection, adventure, love, a home, opportunity, gifts, etc. They offer to provide whatever is missing in a child’s life, build trust and false love, then exploit them using force, fraud, or coercion.
Victims often are or have become dependent on the trafficker to provide for them – physically, financially, or even emotionally. Traffickers methodically strip away a victim’s self-esteem and assert total control – dictating how they walk and talk, when they sleep and eat, and what they wear – and instill fear, shame, and self-blame to keep them from leaving. Ultimately, victims are left feeling hopeless, without worth or value.
Signs that could help identify minor victims:
- Frequent unexplained absences at school or normal activities
- Sudden drop in grades
- Suddenly withdraws or isolates
- Carries a lot of cash or has a lot of new things (like phones, electronics, or clothes)
- Distinctive tattoos or branding marks
- Homeless or runs away a lot
- Dating someone much older
- Poor personal hygiene
- Dresses inappropriately for the weather
What to do if you suspect trafficking:
Let's End It Together.
How can we stop it?
We fight to prevent exploitation and trafficking from ever happening.
Click below to learn more about how to identify and report domestic minor sex trafficking.
Want to Schedule
a Training?
We provide FREE trainings, presentations, and educational resources to educate the public.
Contact Lisa Ivy
Director of Prevention Education

Nothing is hidden that will not become evident, not anything secret that will not be known and come to light.
Luke 8:17
- 865-233-6780
- [email protected]
- PO BOX 1170, Powell, TN 37849
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