Hosted By Street Hope TN
Homeschool families, this day is for you! We’ll have really exciting safety-focused sessions for K-12* and parents/guardians. You can bring the grandparents too!
The date for Homeschool Day Out will be announced soon. We can’t wait to see you this Spring!
Wallace Memorial Baptist Church
701 Merchant Drive, Knoxville, TN 37912
*There will be no childcare available for babies or preschool-aged children.
Thank you for understanding!
Internet Safety led by Street Hope TN
Fire Safety led by Knoxville Fire Department
Intro to Homeschool Martial Arts led by The Wheeler Academy
The Job of a K9 led by Knox County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit
Heroic Faith led by Chase Campbell
Chemistry for Kids led by Cindy Mike
Arts & Crafts led by Karen Trent (Grades K-2)
American Sign Language led by John McMahon (Grades 3-5)
Parents, we want to offer your students information on how to make wise choices so they can live the lives God desires for them.
Led by Street Hope TN
The internet is a part of our daily lives and will be for the foreseeable future. Street Hope will discuss how students can make smart and healthy choices online with devices, social media, and gaming. We’ll also talk about potential blind spots that could be putting students at risk of being targeted by predators, and how to handle things like cyberbullying. This session will also include an introductory overview of human trafficking awareness.
Led by Renew Clinic
In this session, students will hear the testimonies of two people with first-hand experience using heavy drugs as teens and the beautiful story of God’s redemption. Renew Clinic will address peer pressure, the truth of what drugs do to the brain, and the ways our students can filter information and avoid opportunities that could lead to stress, mental distress, suicidal ideations, and substance abuse as well as what to do if they experience any of these things. We will also discuss being sober-minded, connecting with others and God, and our identity and purpose in Christ.
Led by HOPE Resource Center
Middle School: Students will learn how sex and relationships can affect their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We will review reproductive anatomy and changes that occur during puberty, and contrast components of healthy versus unhealthy relationships which applies to all types of relationships students may have, not just romantic ones. Students will be encouraged to view themselves and their peers as unique and valuable. We will uphold the spiritual and medical conviction that sexual activity should be reserved for a healthy marital relationship, not just because it is God’s design, but also because it is the healthiest way to experience physical intimacy and avoid unwanted consequences. Middle school boys and girls will be separated for this session.
High School: Students will learn how sex and relationships can affect their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Reproductive anatomy, conception, and sexually transmitted infections will be reviewed as well as an overview of methods of contraception and STI prevention. Abstinence will be emphasized as the ONLY 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy and STI transmission. We will uphold the spiritual and medical conviction that sexual activity should be reserved for a healthy marital relationship, not just because it is God’s design, but also because it is the healthiest way to experience physical intimacy. We will discuss healthy vs unhealthy relationships and the importance of understanding the value of oneself and others. Students will be encouraged to consider the importance of setting healthy boundaries to help them achieve their goals. The high school session will be a co-ed session.
Led by Knox County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit
Students will see a live demonstration of how K9s operate and the important work they do to help keep our communities safe.
Led by Dr. Tim Holder
There was a time in American history when we only had 4 national holidays: Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, and George Washington’s birthday. Washington was an extraordinarily important figure in American history, but today there is a lot about him that people do not know. There are those who would argue that he was rather indifferent when it came to his faith. One historian calls Washington a “lukewarm Episcopalian.” But there is considerable (and convincing) evidence that Washington’s faith in the Lord was quite strong. Hear it for yourself and draw your own conclusion.
Timothy D. Holder has a Ph. D. in History and master’s degrees in both History and Applied Theology. He currently teaches at Liberty University and Rivers Edge Christian Academy. He has written several books on presidents and faith. His works include Devotions with Presidents and Washington was a Dancer, Lincoln was a Wrestler.
Led by Street Hope TN
One of the biggest stressors parents deal with is how to help their kids navigate internet and device usage. Street Hope will discuss common ways predators might have access to our kids online, how to eliminate those blind spots, and what parents need to know about the most popular apps and games. We will talk through everything from sexting to cyberbullying, and the role parents play in keeping their kids safe online.
Led by Renew Clinic
Led by Haven Counseling
dies show that teenagers’ mental health is plummeting as they become more dependent on various kinds of media. In this session, Haven Counseling Center will provide a basis for understanding the impact technology is having on our youth’s mental health and how parents can respond strategically.
Led by Darcy Hoffman
Yes, if you need to change or cancel your registration, please email Kirby ([email protected]). We appreciate you letting us know if you need to cancel your registration, as this helps us keep our costs low so we can offer the event for free!
Please register children with the adult that will be responsible for pick-up. If they are attending with a non-family member, please indicate their parent’s information as the additional emergency contact.
Yes, we will work to accommodate any food allergies! Lunch will be a Chick-fil-A sandwich or regular nuggets, chips, and water. Please let us know if this meal won’t work for you or your child and we will work to make sure you have a suitable lunch.
We want to allow parents freedom to attend any sessions with their child this year. We will provide the schedule the day of the event. However, we believe the parent sessions will be very beneficial for all parents, and we ask that you attend these sessions as much as possible.
We want Homeschool Day Out to be a day that is fun for the entire family, and we understand that many of you have younger kids that are not yet school aged. Unfortunately, due to space restrictions, we are not able to provide childcare for any kids younger than Kindergarten age. We encourage you to find childcare for younger kids for this day. In the event that you have to bring a young child, we will utilize a small nursing mothers room to minimize distractions for our speakers and attendees.
All children will need to be at least 5 years old on or before 10/1/2023 and fully potty-trained to attend the event. We’re sorry we’re not able to provide childcare for younger children this year, and unfortunately due to limited staff we are not able to allow children younger than this to attend our sessions.
We understand, and we want to make sure all attendees are comfortable at the event! Because we want to make sure that session content is age-appropriate, we will move your older child down to join sessions with the younger child if they need to stay together. Please email Kirby ([email protected]) if we need to work this out.
If you know in advance that you have extenuating circumstances, please email Kirby ([email protected]) so we can help. We also understand things happen that you can’t control. As a general rule, we will close check-in at 9:30am. If you need to leave early, please make sure your child is checked out with the staff member working with their age group prior to leaving. We want to make sure your kids are safe, and this helps us a lot!
No, but because we know kids learn well from repetition, there will be some things repeated. We have added new sessions this year, and there will be new content in the sessions you may have experienced last year. It’s going to be a fun day!
Have additional questions? Please contact us!
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