Living Hope is waking up each day knowing there’s more for you than you can think or imagine.
It’s that “in spite of” feeling that gently nudges you forward when doubt is whispering, “You can’t do it.”
Many of you live with this kind of hope every day. But others? They’re still searching.
And for the first time, Garland Oaks has girls within its walls that are being introduced to what it means to hope again…or for the first time.
How is this house different from any house they’ve ever lived in? Hope lives here.
This house – built, furnished and staffed by God’s grace and your gifts – is full of those who know Living Hope, who have experienced Living Hope and who every day remind her that this Hope is for her.
We remind her that generous men and women believe in what our Living Hope can do on behalf of her story.
So, on this Giving Tuesday, please know: This is about more than giving financially – this is about giving hope.
The confidence you live in daily that God is going to do what He promises is contagious.
Thank you for making sure it spreads. Thank you for faithfully partnering with us to turn her moments of hope into a life of hope.
Giveaway Details
For every $30 gift, your name will be entered to win one of our these gifts!
Winners will be selected on Thursday, November 30.